Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hello All!!
I have made it through 4 days of class and still like it! As if that was a concern.....
Uniform pick up went relatively smooth on Saturday and I was issued 5 jackets, pants, hats, cravats & aprons along with one pair of shoes. Now, keep in mind that these shoes are steel toed (in case you drop that Chef's knife), skid resistant (including oil slicks) and they lace.

If you don't have a good visual, check out the photo! They are comfortable but not exactly the most attractive things I have ever worn.

Orientation was Monday and we were given the rules and what for's regarding our uniform and personal hygiene. Here goes...
  • Nails must be no longer than 1/16" of an inch
  • No jewelry, no watches, no tongue piercings!
  • No perfume or lotions
  • Natural colored hair... No Pink, Orange, Green (real examples by Executive Chef!)
  • Pants must be hemmed to only one break over shoes (given 3 weeks to take care of this task)
  • No make-up!!!! If you must, make it minimal!!
  • No lipstick. Lip Balm only!
  • Be sure to bathe & keep yourself clean
Our uniforms are to be ironed and clean every day. At 6:55AM we line up alphabetically to be inspected & shake hands with our Chef's every morning before class. If we are missing a hat, cravat, apron, etc... we are not allowed to participate. Extras of all of these items are available in a vending machine or the bookstore. I imagine it is a bit like being in the Army. Personally, I love it! This program teaches more than cooking. It teaches Professionalism & Respect! Respect for the profession and craft, respect for our colleagues, our instructors & ultimately the customer. I am addressed as "Ms. Bilger" & I address instructors as "Chef"... Yes Chef, No Chef. Just like on TV... but WITHOUT the kitchen language!

Our "tool" kits arrived on Tuesday full of all the needed accouterments for creating delicious treats! Today we began Knife Cuts. I have never seen a cart full of that many carrots before! And these were not your average size carrot, they were as big as a small cucumber! For inquiring minds who want to know... the Julieanne cut is 2" long x 1/8" x 1/8" square. The Batonnet cut is 2" long x 1/4" x 1/4" square. Proper respect for the Knife must be given in order to not lose a finger in the process!

There are still moments nearly everyday when I question myself and wonder. about this decision. While stating this insecurity over dinner with a friend this week a Bible verse was shared. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" Jeremiah 29:11.

This journey is my life path for now and that plan gives me hope! I am thrilled you are joining me...

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