Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Concasser (con-cass-say)

I simply love saying that word!! Concasser (con-cass-say) "to chop coarsely". This is just one of the many knife cuts learned so far in class. That along with another equally fun word to say ... Ciseler (sis-il-ay). That of course is the very sexy way to cut/dice an onion!! If done correctly and quickly nearly eliminates all possibilities for crying! LOVE THAT! Now, if you have been chopping onions over your lifetime, as I have, crying generally doesn't occur anymore. For a few of my younger classmates (like the fella next to me who is 20!) the tears were flowing!! He is amazed that I am the same age as his mother and back to school. Brother!

Today we had our first official "quiz" for Foundations I. 40 questions that covered chapters 1, 5 & 7. Knowing how to narrow down that much information to 40 questions was difficult to study for. I had my flash cards memorized, re-read the chapters, felt pretty strong. The one question that I know I missed (because we reviewed in class).... What is a Chef de Partie? It's the Station Chef in the Kitchen Brigade system .. what a Knucklehead!! CRAP!!! Such an easy term and it simply left my brain. I trust the Chef Instructors did have a giggle when they read my answer. "It's NOT the Party Chef!! :) (complete with a smiley face )" because I clearly didn't know! Won't forget that one on the final!!

The Squeaky Wheel....

I am not sure that I mentioned that I will be awarded a Certificate in Culinary Arts rather than an Associate of Occupational Science (AOS) designation. This slight difference has caused a bit of a challenge for me. You see, out of the 40 students in my rotation, I am the ONLY Certificate student. Normally there are a three to four per class and because it's just me this time it's been sort of out of sync for the organization. Basically this means I have fewer classes than the other students and a different "tool" kit (fewer utensils because I don't have the catering class). All of this caused some distress for me during my first 4 days of class...

  • Tool kits were presented in class on Tuesday. Mine was not handed out during class, I had to go to the Bookstore to pick it up, because it's different! While the Chef explained each item in the kit I had to look over the shoulder of the student next to me. I felt like the kid who didn't get picked for the kick-ball team!

  • My Took kit did NOT contain a very critical item. The block of groovy 3 dimensional vegetables (see photo) representing each "cut" I am to learn & the ruler to measure each cut. These cuts ... 30% of my grade!

  • My Tool kit (because it is not as large as the others) comes in a generic black bag... No LeCordon Bleu logo. OK... I am VERY BIG on BRANDING!!! This was a show stopper!

  • My student ID photo was "missed" because they were taken during the Nutrition Class (which I don't have).... you guessed it, to the Library to be photographed. And ID delayed because the person in charge is out of the office on a family emergency! I became a "hang-on" and slid into the building with other students who HAVE their ID's.

All of these issues came boiling up the day I went to the Bookstore to inquire about the said 3-dimensional block of cuts. I was told there were none available only a ruler thingy was available for PURCHASE!! If you have been reading my blog, you know that this whole experience has been rather emotional... silly as it was this simply pushed over the edge. The bookstore manager told me to "take the ruler, no charge." I am sure that the tears welling up in my eyes were a huge clue that I was about to lose my cool. I shared the branding/logo issue, the ID picture issue and the fact that I felt like a red-headed step child!! He was very apologetic but really could do nothing beyond the free ruler gesture. I said "thanks" and went on my way. Only to cry the entire 20 minute drive back to my little nest.

Well, he made a call and the Vice President of Admissions & I had a very nice chat. The 3-dimensional block was delivered to me in class the next morning (just in time to Tourne my potato), my bag is on order & my ID card is around my neck! Whew! In all reality, it may be good that this happened. This great organization is now more aware of the missing links that occur with the Certificate students and the need for more inclusion.

Tomorrow we begin to study kitchen equipment! Then it's on to sauces! I'll keep you posted!


  1. So when you come back to SB, will you pleeeeease give a demo on the onion cutting?

    Excellent that you are working toward educating Le Cordon Bleu about the customer service issue they obviously have with their Certificate students. Lord knows you must not be the only one, and I'm sure they will change things for future students. Way to go, trailblazer.

    Love hearing your updates - thanks Carolyn! Miss you!

  2. Just because you're older than most don't think this gives you any extra points! Way to go Carolyn - keep those reminders on great customer service flowing - somebody's got to see to it and it might as well be you Friend! Miss you - taking great care of your nest here in SB..kc
