Thursday, April 15, 2010


Buonogiorno! I have made it to Italy and am getting settled into my new time zone and the confusing world I have now entered as I don't speak any Italian! YET! My language classes begin on Monday. We'll see if I can pick up the all important phrases to get by in life here...

Dov'e la toilette? Where is the restroom?

Vorrei un bicchiere di vino rosso! I'll have a glass of red wine!

Vorrei ancora un po' di pane! I'll have more bread!

Il menu, per favore. The menu please!

Quanto costa? How much is that?

Potrebbe togliere qualcosta al prezzo? Can you come down a little?

This list goes on and on!! Most of the people here do speak English, the benefits of a country that forces students to learn a second language!!

You will notice something slightly different with my blog page. I have attempted to link slide shows and photo galleries to my page. I am hopeful that you will find these tools easy as you follow my journey in photos! Once you click on the link you'll be routed to a page showing various photo albums. It should be pretty easy from there!

So, here's whats has happened so far! My flight departed Atlanta and landed in Paris right on time. The bit over an hour to change planes in Paris was tight. I had to go through customs and then back through security in another terminal to catch the flight to Naples. All the fast walking and increase in my blood pressure was for nothing as our plane to Naples ended up being late afterall! In the process of rushing around, I neglected to take money out of an ATM to get some euros for my pocket. I had a only 6 euro remaining from my trip to France a few years ago! Once in Naples I am to catch a bus at 1:00 to Sorrento. I grab my bags and run to see if the bus is still there as it is 1:01 according to the big clock at the airport. Whew!! I see the bus and jump on. BUT... oops! my 6 euros won't cut it .... the fare is 10!!! The very nice bus driver shows pity on this poor Silly American girl and let's me ride for half fare! He drops me off at the train station in Sorrento. But now I need a taxi to get to Mami Camillas..... explaining my situation to a very nice taxi driver, he offers to stop at the bancomat where I am able to withdraw euros. We are on our way!!!

Mami Camilla's is expecting me and get me all tucked into my room. I'll have to move the end of the week as the room they place me in is a "double". It's really small and I am thinking WOW, wonder what a single room looks like? The view from my window is lovely and I am thrilled to be breathing that fresh ocean air. I unpack a few things, put on my walking shoes and take a little stroll. What an absolutely beautiful spot on this great big earth!

My classes began on Tuesday afternoon. I am in the kitchen everyday at 4:30 with one of two chefs. Biagio Longo has spent over 30 years in the culinary world throughout Europe & South America. His son, Augustino, is also a chef and follows in his fathers footsteps. The two of them run this charming cooking school here in Sorrento Italy. People come from all over the world to learn, eat & share time with the Longo family at Mami Camillas!

Daily we are learning and preparing the meals for the guests in the Bed & Breakfast. It's been a amazing few days of learning and food! I am furiously taking notes and hoping to bring some of these wonderful dishes home to the states! The students I have spoken to who claimed to have lost weight while here must have not have prepared any of the things I have so far!! I don't see where I'll be leaving ANYthing of my behind here when I leave!!!

There are 3 other students here and with me in the class. One is about 2 weeks ahead of us, the other two and I are on the same track. Not sure what to think ..... no nicknames have come to mind.... YET! There are bound to be plenty of stories!!

I moved to my new room today. It's charming and just as large as the other room. The difference is that I no longer have that view or rooftop seating area. Oh well.... some other guests can enjoy that lovely spot. I am now on the ground floor and my window opens out to the courtyard. I am all unpacked and ready for living in that little nest for 7 more weeks!

Fresh Tomato Sauce:

3 tablespoons olive oil

4 cloves garlic, sliced

2 kilos cherry tomatoes, sliced in half


finely ground pepper

1 teaspoon sugar

3 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped

1.) Heat oil over high heat until hot, about 1 minute

2.) Add garlic, saute 1 minute until translucent

3.) Add tomatoes, salt, pepper, sugar and basil; stir well. Cook over medium heat 25 minutes.

It's time to jump into my chef pants and prepare for the next class! Til next time!


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