Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lo Chef del Gatto Nero

"The Black Cat Chef" in Italian!!! Just in case you wondered... this is a new photo of her too!

Ciao from Italy! I am mid-way through my third week here in Sorrento and finally working into a routine. We began our Italian speaking classes last week and I am not catching on as quickly as I would like. Italian is a beautiful language and every time I attempt to say something I just feel like I am butchering it. Those who are forced to be on the receiving end of my utterances must be thinking the same! Most of them simply smile and nod.... I often wonder what exactly those reactions might mean...... I am getting along OK if I read it. Just don't make me respond! My brother picked up this groovy hand electronic translator for me. It works well and has helped with my ability to pronounce some of the standard phrases.

Daily I rise and open my drapes to take a peek and see what the weather might hold for the day. The past few mornings have been crystal blue sky shining back at me. I clean up and head to the breakfast room. My morning meal consists to brioche, butter, cheese & thinly sliced ham or salami. The last few mornings have also included caprese salad... tomatoes, basil & mozzarella cheese. Occasionally, I'll change it up and have a medium fried egg and bacon. Caffe American & orange juice. I really love breakfast in Europe. I wonder WHY don't I prepare and have these delicious choices in my refrigerator at home in America everyday? I fell in love with these offerings during my first trip to Germany in 1993. While there my favorite meal of the day was fruhstuck.... it's prima calazione here in Italy! I am making this vow to myself. Upon my return to home I will more frequently indulge in this type of start to my day rather than the cereal, toast, oatmeal or eggs!!

As I mentioned in my last blog, I had an incident with my glasses & have been forced to wear my "cheaters". They are working OK but I am finding that I have a few headaches.... on Tuesday I was forced to tape them together!!! I wear them only here at the B&B, not out in public. Don't want to look too odd! But all of this taping of glasses recalled a story from years ago when I had my little shop (Esprit Decor) in downtown South Bend. I had a few local characters that would frequent the store and just want to hang out and visit. One such individual lived near the store in a rented apartment. He would take his afternoon meals at the local Mission or soup kitchen and then come by to visit. He wore glasses..... One Saturday morning a friend of mine was there to help me and he was at the counter while I was helping a customer. This local came in and my friend simply greeted him and said "hello, how are you today?" The response... "Well, look at me... LOOK AT ME! How do you think I am?" And here was this fella with his glasses all taped together with black electrician's tape!! My friend wanted to bust out laughing.... and we did once he left. It was NOT funny that his glasses had been taped together, he had actually been beaten up the evening before. But the reaction, the total incense that the tragedy of taped glasses had gone un-noticed!! That was what was so very funny. So, as I taped my glasses together (with clear tape) I could only chuckle at that memory ... and wonder how that fella might be doing?

I have fallen in love this Lola the resident dog! She follows me everywhere and jumps up on my lap to snuggle nearly every time I sit down. There are animals all over this town! Most have collars and assumable therefore homes. A few don't but still seem well fed. There are also kitty's.... yesterday on my way home from another trip to do laundry I met a whole slew of them! There had to be 10-12 cats living in this apartment complex and they all came out to meet me as I walked by. I have established a photo album entitled "The dogs & cats of Sorrento" on the photo link. You'll be able to see all the friends I make on my daily walks to and from town!

The solitude I have created for myself these past months is being invaded and I find that it's problematic for me! The beauty of the situation surrounding the knucklehead brigade in Atlanta was that I could go home to my little nest and escape them.... NOT the case here in Sorrento! We all live and work at Mami Camilla's and there is little ability to escape them. The way things are set up here, the internet does not work in our rooms. We must be in the common areas of the house (lobby, back and front patio) to pick-up the wireless connection. I have managed to find a little nook here and there to carve out some quiet time to read/write email, talk on skype with family and friends, search for employment in the states & write to you on my blog! It is becoming more challenging to find those places as every-time I find one... one of my fellow students also thinks it's a cool idea and location and then they all invade. UGH! The madness! It's a challenge to be an adult surrounded by 20-somethings who have the mentality of 15 year olds. Thank goodness for earphones and classical & jazz music on my computer!!!

So here is what's been happening in the kitchen. I think I mentioned that we have two different chefs ... Augustino & Biagio. They have very different teaching styles and while they both have a fiery Italian temper, Biagio's is a slower burn ... Augustino just let's you have it! Fortunately for me, I have not been on the receiving end on any of the tirades. While I am always in the kitchen when they happen, I am minding my own job! The guys have a tendency to chit-chat in the kitchen, actually they chat more than girls do! The other students who are working in town sometimes hang around while we are in the kitchen and "watch". But, this causes a distraction for the chit chatters. So, here's what happened last Friday.... one of them dropped a bowl of chopped chocolate & butter on the floor. Another didn't add enough flour to the pasta while rolling it out and it was sticky and uneven the other burnt the garlic .... I was just doing my job of frying potatoes for the potato Parmesan. Allora, this series of events simply put the chef over the edge. I am not 100% sure what he was saying as it was mostly in Italian. But, he made it clear that the chatting needed to STOP! We needed to pay attention to what we were doing and that this experience is for us, he knows how to cook! We paid money to be here and that we need to be making the most out of everything! For the first week he was pretty easy on us and now we are thinking he is an ASShole ( it's great how the Italians say this word, all the emphasis on the front half of the word & the back half just falls off) but that's too bad. Either be mentally in the kitchen when you are here or don't come back!

Please don't hear me say that I am always doing things the right way. I don't! But, I am paying attention, taking notes and asking questions. If the chef tells you how to make pasta & shows the proper way to roll it out. He does not expect to have to tell you again. As a chef we are to be responsible for writing things down, be it measurements, techniques, or hints for ourselves to recall the process. Once you are in a kitchen "working" it's expected that you come with the basic knowledge required to do the job and your own process for solidifying the new things required to work in that kitchen. It's really no different than being a Brand Manager, as Sales Executive or a Lawyer. You know how to perform the job, you simply need to understand how the new companies process work. While things are very relaxed here it doesn't mean we are to be relaxed and on holiday!

I went to Naples (Napoli) last weekend. I took in the art at the Museo Archeologico Nazionale, the National Archaeological Museum. It was amazing to see the sculptures and artifacts from Pompeii and Herculaneum, as well as other parts of Italy. For the last two weeks of April all the museums and historic sites have been free. I was able to save a few euro on admission so I rented the audio guide to make my experience more enjoyable. The only thing I didn't like about it was giving up my ID (passport) in order to rent the silly little machine. I guess that it is a hot item and this is the only way the museum had decided they can safe guard themselves from theft! TOTALLY uncomfortable with that process but when I attempted to decline the use of the machine the man behind the counter got all huffy and showed me a whole file full of the ID's and acted as if I was being unreasonable..... So, off I went without my passport to view the stone and marble statues larger than the average sized human.

Napoli.... if this is the first and only city someone sees upon arriving in Italy they will be very disappointed. In my opinion, it is the dirtiest city I have ever seen!! Before traversing to the train station here in Sant Angello that morning the folks here at the B&B made a point of telling me to be sure to mind my belongings, not to wear any jewelry, and not to buy anything from a street vendor! I understand that the architecture is fabulous but I can honestly tell you that I saw nothing beyond the museum and the train station. I will not be going back alone either. So, if I am to see any of the architecture I'll need to make some friends who will want to go with me!

One of my favorite sauces is "puttanesca". I asked Chef if we could possibly learn this sauce and he said "remember me" which is the term used frequently in Italy for "remind me"! So, this week we prepared Spaghetti alla Puttanesca. Now, there are several theories as to how this sauce came about. It origin is Campania, which is the state where Naples & Sorrento are. It reflects the common things in the market rather than the garden. Loosely translated it is called "whore's spaghetti". One story goes that the inspiration came from some people arriving at at restaurant late when the kitchen was low on ingredients. The hungry men said to "facci una puttanata qualsiasi" which means to "make any kind of garbage". Puttanata is a noun meaning something worthless or something easy to prepare. It also is a derivative of the Italian word for whore... puttana. The chef in this instance had only tomatoes, olives and capers. Another story goes that it is also known as "spaghetti alla buona donna" or "good woman's spaghetti" because it contains of ingredients found in most Italian pantrys. Personally... I like the first story because it is more colorful and Puttanesca is a fun word to say!

Spaghetti alla Puttanesca

3 Tablespoons Olive oil

1 Anchovy

4 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced

2/3 cup capers

1 cup kalamata olives (pitted)

2 - 15oz cans of peeled tomatoes

24 oz of halved cherry tomatoes

**You can use all of one kind of tomatoes if you prefer. If using just fresh cherry tomatoes you may need to add some liquid.

small handful of dried oregano

small handful of fresh parsley, chopped

black pepper (salt to taste)

Add the oil, anchovy & garlic to pan. Let the garlic begin to brown. Add the capers, olives, tomatoes, oregano & pepper. Let this cook down a bit, 20-30 minutes. Stir in the fresh parsley & season with salt if needed.

Using store bought spaghetti is OK with this dish as the flavor of the sauce is so powerful it would overwhelm the fresh pasta flavor.

Toss the sauce with the pasta. Spoon out in large ball onto plate. Sprinkle with fresh chopped parsley and serve. You don't need cheese on this sauce! It totally changes the taste and you lose the true flavor!!!

You are all just rising in the US as it is 6:10AM Friday morning when I am publishing this. Enjoy your day and your weekend. I thing that tomorrow I will head to the island of Capri and Sunday perhaps to Herculaneum. There are so many things to see and experience that I don't want to miss a thing! It's hard to believe that I am ending my third week here already!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ahh Siesta!

As la Americana I have an internal struggle with the idea of the Italian Siesta. As a past business owner, I find it to be a wonderful invention in the middle of the day! A time to rest, recollect thoughts, nourish the body and prepare for the end of the day. As a part time tourist and student, it requires planning on my end to complete the things I may need to during a given day! Anytime from around 1:30PM to nearly 4:30PM daily business' and shops will close up to partake in this ritual.

I find it interesting that in so many countries around the world the "siesta" is practiced. And somewhat distressed that it is not a practice for America. I suppose it is because life moves too quickly for we Americans and there is a fear of missing something by participating in the "siesta" mindset.

The air is so incredibly fragrant right now here in Sorrento. I have l'arancio (orange) trees blooming outside my window across the courtyard. And glicine (wisteria) is simply in bloom everywhere! The fresh smell that the ocean breezes blow in are also wonderful. While I would likely never have the nerve to move to a foreign country, this lovely spot on the Mediterranean certainly provides a tempting place to let that dream ignite!

As there are students in and out of the program here we are currently running with a total of seven students right now. Three that are in the later portion of the rotation, meaning they are working in local restaurants and the four of us are working in the kitchen on site. And while the jury is out on these folks I will say that I am fascinated that no matter where you go you run into the same type of people. We have a "know it all" and "negative nelly". A "princess" and your typical "party animal". I am certain that these six individuals will generate some interesting stories as I move through my time here!

My specific rotation of Italian Cucina is shared with three young men from Le Cordon Bleu in Chicago. Like me, two of them are Certificate, the other an Associates Degree student. It has been interesting to hear their perceptions of the program and to share how things are done in Atlanta. LCB corporate has been working hard to make the programs the same from school to school but Chicago does do things differently than Atlanta. And since Chicago was my other school location of choice it was nice to hear about the program. They had the same struggles that we had regarding the knucklehead brigade and such. I don't believe my experience would have been much different had I chosen the windy city.

Today I had my first experience with doing laundry in a foreign country. I must also admit that I have never used a laundromat... ever since my under-ware were stolen from the Harrison Hall Co-ed "laundry" room while attending Purdue University I have steered away! Additionally, having an 18 year career in the major appliance industry selling/marketing laundry equipment has made me leery of trusting just any machine to wash and dry my clothing. But it turned out just fine! I'll say that having to carry dirty laundry for nearly a mile isn't so fun but I managed. Every pair of under-ware and each sock came back with me!

A tragedy DID occur upon my return from wash day to the villa however. My glasses.... those silly prescription eye adornments that I need to SEE things with... are no longer! I was wearing them in the collar of my shirt and shifted my laundry basket during the mile trek home and the right ear piece popped right off!! NO POSSIBILITY OF BEING REPAIRED!!! OMG!! Now what?? I was proactive enough to pack a pair of "Cheaters", at the last minute I tossed them into my carry one bag. They could be a bit stronger and because of that, tomorrow I am on the hunt for some stylish Italian 1.50% reading glasses.

I have decided that buying wine in the .750 liter size is really a waste! Every other day I have been stopping at the market and picking up a bottle of wine to enjoy in the evenings. This is a common and frequent process of mine. I do this at home in the states and here in Italy. I might also add that the wine here does NOT give me headaches or any ill effects... Well, one day I discovered a little wine store just up the street.... Bacchanalia ... they sell wine in 5 liter jugs!!! Now this is not "jug" wine as you might imagine .... this stuff is GOOD! And, it's only 10 euros! I figure with this little find I will save at least 8 euro a week!! SPLENDID!!

When you click on the photos link you will have a chance to enjoy my photos from Pompeii. What a marvelous experience I had last Saturday!!! I road the train from Sant'Agnnelo to Pompeii Scavi station. Hopped off and entered the ruins of Pompeii. The photos don't do the place justice, it is breath-taking & eerie all at the same time. To realize that an entire community and 100's of people (perhaps more?) perished in such an unimaginable way is overwhelming. There is evidence of civilization as early as 200BC. When Mt. Vesuvius erupted on 24 August 79AD the sudden tremor interrupted the daily routine of the residents of Pompeii. The cloud of ash and lampilii (little stones) some three meters (nearly 12 feet) deep covered the city in just a few hours, it was completely submerged. Then the pyroclastic (hot gas and fine ash) began to flow. This gas clogged the lungs of those who had survived the initial blow and literally suffocated them. Before it was all done Mt. Vesuvius dumped a total of 5-6 meters of ash and rock upon the city of Pompeii. Ceasing it's existence. Today it exists because of painstaking digging and archaeological discoveries. Go Indiana Jones!! I understand that Herculaneum is even more remarkable.... I'll let you know!

Al vapore di carciofo e patate (Steamed artichokes & potatoes)

3 T. olive oil
4 cloves garlic, peeled & smashed (to release flavor)
6-8 small artichokes, outer leaves & top removed to expose heart
2 medium sized yellow potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 cup vegetable stock (or use vegetable bullion)
1/2 cup white wine
Salt & Pepper

Heat olive oil and garlic until aroma begins. Add the artichokes & potatoes. Stir in the vegetable stock and white wine, salt & pepper. Simmer on low until vegetables are tender. Check seasonings & serve warm with drizzle of Olive oil.

Buona notta cari amici!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Buonogiorno! I have made it to Italy and am getting settled into my new time zone and the confusing world I have now entered as I don't speak any Italian! YET! My language classes begin on Monday. We'll see if I can pick up the all important phrases to get by in life here...

Dov'e la toilette? Where is the restroom?

Vorrei un bicchiere di vino rosso! I'll have a glass of red wine!

Vorrei ancora un po' di pane! I'll have more bread!

Il menu, per favore. The menu please!

Quanto costa? How much is that?

Potrebbe togliere qualcosta al prezzo? Can you come down a little?

This list goes on and on!! Most of the people here do speak English, the benefits of a country that forces students to learn a second language!!

You will notice something slightly different with my blog page. I have attempted to link slide shows and photo galleries to my page. I am hopeful that you will find these tools easy as you follow my journey in photos! Once you click on the link you'll be routed to a page showing various photo albums. It should be pretty easy from there!

So, here's whats has happened so far! My flight departed Atlanta and landed in Paris right on time. The bit over an hour to change planes in Paris was tight. I had to go through customs and then back through security in another terminal to catch the flight to Naples. All the fast walking and increase in my blood pressure was for nothing as our plane to Naples ended up being late afterall! In the process of rushing around, I neglected to take money out of an ATM to get some euros for my pocket. I had a only 6 euro remaining from my trip to France a few years ago! Once in Naples I am to catch a bus at 1:00 to Sorrento. I grab my bags and run to see if the bus is still there as it is 1:01 according to the big clock at the airport. Whew!! I see the bus and jump on. BUT... oops! my 6 euros won't cut it .... the fare is 10!!! The very nice bus driver shows pity on this poor Silly American girl and let's me ride for half fare! He drops me off at the train station in Sorrento. But now I need a taxi to get to Mami Camillas..... explaining my situation to a very nice taxi driver, he offers to stop at the bancomat where I am able to withdraw euros. We are on our way!!!

Mami Camilla's is expecting me and get me all tucked into my room. I'll have to move the end of the week as the room they place me in is a "double". It's really small and I am thinking WOW, wonder what a single room looks like? The view from my window is lovely and I am thrilled to be breathing that fresh ocean air. I unpack a few things, put on my walking shoes and take a little stroll. What an absolutely beautiful spot on this great big earth!

My classes began on Tuesday afternoon. I am in the kitchen everyday at 4:30 with one of two chefs. Biagio Longo has spent over 30 years in the culinary world throughout Europe & South America. His son, Augustino, is also a chef and follows in his fathers footsteps. The two of them run this charming cooking school here in Sorrento Italy. People come from all over the world to learn, eat & share time with the Longo family at Mami Camillas!

Daily we are learning and preparing the meals for the guests in the Bed & Breakfast. It's been a amazing few days of learning and food! I am furiously taking notes and hoping to bring some of these wonderful dishes home to the states! The students I have spoken to who claimed to have lost weight while here must have not have prepared any of the things I have so far!! I don't see where I'll be leaving ANYthing of my behind here when I leave!!!

There are 3 other students here and with me in the class. One is about 2 weeks ahead of us, the other two and I are on the same track. Not sure what to think ..... no nicknames have come to mind.... YET! There are bound to be plenty of stories!!

I moved to my new room today. It's charming and just as large as the other room. The difference is that I no longer have that view or rooftop seating area. Oh well.... some other guests can enjoy that lovely spot. I am now on the ground floor and my window opens out to the courtyard. I am all unpacked and ready for living in that little nest for 7 more weeks!

Fresh Tomato Sauce:

3 tablespoons olive oil

4 cloves garlic, sliced

2 kilos cherry tomatoes, sliced in half


finely ground pepper

1 teaspoon sugar

3 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped

1.) Heat oil over high heat until hot, about 1 minute

2.) Add garlic, saute 1 minute until translucent

3.) Add tomatoes, salt, pepper, sugar and basil; stir well. Cook over medium heat 25 minutes.

It's time to jump into my chef pants and prepare for the next class! Til next time!


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Winding it up, Preparing to travel!

It is hard to imagine that my class time at Le Cordon Bleu is complete. The past seven months have flown by! The official ended to 7AM line up came on March 24th & I felt a bit differently on my last day of class compared to my first! The eagerness to continue learning remained as well as the excitement and apprehension of "what's next". The biggest difference is in the sudden realization that I won't see many of these individuals ever again. My favorite few will be in contact as we progress through this next phase. But the knucklehead brigade that I have crafted stories of and frustrations about will no longer share my morning air!

The end of class was not without a bit of drama so here goes!

We had several papers due in this class. The grain paper, the bean paper, the pasta paper & a final one on potatoes. Our class is broken up by days. For example, if the paper was due on day 7 of class, we knew that was Tuesday of the second week. There are five (5) class days in each week (really?). All of these due dates were listed in the paper syllabus given out on day one of class as well as being online in our class student portal area. Now, papers are due at the beginning of class and as shared before Chef has us do a recap of our paper for our fellow students. On day 20 (a Friday) our pasta paper was due. Since we are adults and in a school of higher education Chef did not remind us on Thursday that the papers were due in the morning.

Meet Moe ... and his two friends.... Larriette & Curly! Moe has been an argumentative sort of know-it-all since day one (back in August). If he is by himself he is actually OK, but with his pals around he is generally difficult to take. Now this holds true for his friend Curly too! He is a very nice young man until Moe is around and they have to complete with who can be the loudest or most crude. And Larriette ... the girlfriend that goes along with the group. Moe has a chip on his shoulder a mile wide and this is reflective in his "everyone is out to get me" attitude.

So, the pasta paper is due on day 20.... and yes, only half of the class had completed the assignment and this was rather disturbing for Chef. Moe pipes up and complains that "we were not reminded that the paper was due, it's not fair", blah blah blah, I was just waiting for "and the dog ate my paper" excuse! In his very calm and commanding voice, Chef simply asks Moe if he will need to be reminded to go to work when he is in the industry too? This really got Moe going and then the others who had not completed the paper began to jump in and complain. Chef shuts it down pretty quickly and gives the class a lecture on personal responsibility and preparedness for the job. He was very angry and yet seemingly empathetic to this students plight. He reminded us that on the first day of class he shared that it took a great deal to make him angry and that the limits were being pushed. And in with his very strong accent says "or, to put it into your English slang... it takes a great deal to piss me off"!! After nearly 15 minutes of this ridiculous exchange Chef agreed to giving those students an extension 'til Tuesday to finish. And warned that if it was not done by then to not bother showing up for class.

It was on this day that I completely understood the way in which we were being evaluated in this class. The papers were an important self learning tool, the foods prepared in class were critical for mastering techniques, the text book was a resource for understanding the cultures that influence foods, but it was ATTITUDE and INTEGRITY that we were really being measured on. Now, some may argue that this is all too subjective.... but it is also a dose of real medicine. You can know how to do this or that & you can master many techniques, but if you have a poor attitude & lack the integrity to hold yourself responsible, you will not be successful. This lesson holds true no matter what your profession. Chef, Marketer, Retail store owner, Sales person, Debt collector... you choose... those who are successful always have good attitudes and take ownership of their responsibilities. Have I mentioned he was my favorite Chef instructor?

Of all the things we learned in this class one of my favorites were the various flatbreads. Flatbreads are common in nearly every culture. You have Tortillas (corn) and Tortillas de harina (wheat flour), Aloo paratha (potato-filled), Lefse (potato), Coca d'spinacs (with spinach and pine nuts), Harsha (Moroccan), Pita Bread (pocketed) and Chapatis (Indian). My favorite Flatbread... the Chapatis. Likely due to the butter! It has a rich (buttery) texture and delicious with nearly any condiment. It is often called "rotis" in Pakistan and northern India and is very common throughout the continent.


2 tsp. salt

16 oz. warm water

1.25 lbs Atta Flour (use 1 lb all purpose & .25 lb of whole wheat flour if unavailable) You may need to add more to get the correct consistency but start with this amount.

2 oz. melted butter (Traditionally Ghee is used, Ghee is clarified brown butter)

**Atta flour is a whole wheat flour very high in gluten & protein. Because of the high gluten it can be rolled out very thin.

  • Combine the salt and water.

  • Add the flour to the mixing bowl (with a dough hook). With the machine running add the water/salt mixture.

  • Once the dough has formed, check it's consistency. If it sticks to the bowl, add a little more flour as it should be soft NOT sticky.

  • Mix the dough until it becomes smooth and stretches easily without tearing (looking for that gluten window!) it will likely take 10-12 minutes.

  • Once the dough is developed, remove if from the bowl, cover and let it rest for 30 minutes.

  • After 30 minutes resting time, divide it into 12 pieces. Using a rolling pin, roll each piece about 1/4" thick.

  • Using a griddle at 375 or a large Saute pan add the butter and heat. Cook the flat breads on one side for about 1 minute, then turn over to cook for 2 minutes and flip once more back to first side.

  • Allow the dough to cook until done, air bubbles will form in the dough as it cooks.

  • Remove from the griddle or pan and serve.

There has been a tradition at Le Cordon Bleu that until my last day of class had not been utilized for a while. Those students who have completed the classroom portion of study and are heading out to their externship ... walk the halls of the school while the remaining students stand in line-up formation and cheer them on. So at 10:15AM on March 24th I was among those who had finished class and participated in this honored tradition. I must say that it was a very nice gesture & a unique way to end my time at Le Cordon Bleu Atlanta. From there Chef had us all head outside for a photo session. There were hugs and pictures and time to reflect on the ending of another rotation of class for many and the ending of an adventure for me! The time has gone so quickly and while I have learned a great deal I have also been reminded that one never stops learning in this business of cooking, of being a Chef. I managed to end my time at LCB with the coveted "blue cravat" signifying honorary academic performance. That was a goal I set for myself and have managed to achieve. It sure feels good to know you can still teach an older dog some new tricks!

Stay tuned for more adventures.... My externship begins next week in Sorrento, Italy.
