Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Saucier (So-see-ay)

The Saucier (So-see-ay) prepares the stews, sauces, hot hor d'oeuvres & sautes food to order... usually considered the highest of all positions in the classic kitchen brigade. While I am very far from that title I have managed to pass my Sauce Practical with flying colors this week!! Wahoo!!!

The week began with a written test on sauces. What mother sauce they come from, the key ingredients, etc. We were then divided into groups of 5 and given start times for the practical exam scheduled for Tuesday morning. Here was the drill.... We were given 1 hr 45 min to prepare two sauces. I was on at 7:15AM and needed to present my sauces to the Chefs at 9AM. At 7:15AM I was given my test sauces, Beurre Blanc (White wine butter sauce) & Espangnol (Brown Veal sauce) & 5 minutes to review the recipes... then ALL the PAPERS were put away and we were off to create our sauces from memory. The sauces were graded on 5 categories.

  • Time & Sanitation
  • Flavor
  • Sauce Consistency
  • Color
  • Temperature

Very excited with my PERFECT score on the Espangnol!!! While I was unable to pull off two for two I still left with a solid "A" for the day. Keeping your nerves and your head during these practical exams will be part of the key to success for the future.

The balance of the week was intended to prepare us for the Friday soup practical. In two days we made shrimp stock, shrimp bisque, white bean soup, consomme, french onion soup & clam chowder. Each of the selections were really delicious EXCEPT the Shrimp Bisque. It tasted like DIRT! Seems the class collection of stock was not so good as nearly every groups bisque offering left something to be desired. Very disappointing because "bisque" is expensive a bit of a process. The definition of bisque ... cream soup made with shellfish. So, when you encounter Tomato Bisque, it's really just a sexy way to market Cream of Tomato! However, it is likely able to generate at least $2 more than simple cream of tomato on any menu!

Friday we had our soup Practical... Can you Consomme? Seems I can! My practice here at the house on Wednesday evening went pretty well and helped to prepare for the exam. My mom was able to observe the process as she is here from Indiana for a little fall visit. These photos are of my home practice... this is that crazy process of making the "clearmeat" meat-loaf thing and allowing it to coagulate to draw the fat out of the stock and create a clear, rich flavored, elegant soup. We were again given 1 hr & 45 minutes to complete our soup and present it to the chefs. I was scrambling at the last minute to get it served up and ensure it was hot. I pulled out another great score and was over the moon!

Next week we begin our vegetable lectures, rice & legumes discussions. There are 23 recipes on my list of production items this week. I feel a really busy week coming on! I continue to love the learning's and all of the new techniques.

Thanks for joining me on this journey! I'll check in with you soon!

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