Thursday, October 1, 2009


Depouillage (Dep- oh-lahj) .... A really sexy word for "skimming fat"! This is what you do when you remove the fat that rises to the top of sauces, stocks, and such. I also think it is a verb for what will happen during this rotation of Foundation II!!

The new class rotation began on Monday & it's not going to be easy! We began Monday making brown veal stock. Tuesday we made chicken, white veal & fish stock. Wednesday it was Bechamel, Soubise, Mornay, Chicken & Veal Veloute, Allemande, Supreme & White Wine Fish sauces. Thursday it was Mayonnaise, Espangnol & Tomato sauce. Friday was Classical Demi-Glace, Robert, Chasseur, Marchand de Vin, & Aioli sauces. WOW!!!! Next Tuesday is our practical!

On stock days we were in groups of 9 people. It was absolutely like herding cats!! And as with any group there are those who know it all, those who do nothing, those who start cooking before they know what needs to be done, those who lead and those who follow instruction. The smaller groups we were adjusted to for the sauce days demonstrated similar personality tendencies. Human nature I suppose... In a conversation while washing dishes (again! with the 8 other folks that always end up doing this exciting job! Mostly because people don't understand the instruction of "wash as you go") a fellow "senior" student mentioned that he felt the classes should be broken up by age. It actually sounds like a rather good idea. And while the institution might push back saying that while working in the industry we will work with all ages, creeds, etc ...learning may be a different thing. I am a full believer that life experience brings you BACK to school with a different passion and perspective that the younger, less-life-lived kids have.

Mayonnaise.... my arm nearly fell off in class while I attempted to make it. It broke twice and finally I gave up. My Bechamel sauce was runny Wednesday & during my after class practice. So, I came home and attempted to make it again and that's time it was paste! BROTHER!! Thankfully Friday ... SUCCESS! Mayonnaise twice! In class and at home. My arm is killing me but the fact that it was not broken was well worth it. I did have a flashback of grade-school. I was excited about my Mayonnaise success and sharing the moment with a class mate. Issue... Chef was talking and I was scolded for talking... "Ms. Bilger seems to have something to share with the class"... Ooops! More frequently than I am sure my mom would like to remember is that I was ALWAYS given marks for talking when I was not supposed to be! I think that "disruptive to others" was the phrase used on my grade school report cards. Seems some thing NEVER change! :)

Hollandaise & Bearnaise were on the breakfast menu this morning.... very happy with the results but ate very little. I do believe that I need to invest in a chicken, I have gone through so many eggs attempting to master all these sauces!! I am hopeful that practice will make perfect as I roll through the process.

I'll keep you posted!

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