Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The flood of 2009!

I had no idea that this week of preparation for class finals would also require FLOOD preparations!! If you have not seen the news, Atlanta has been devastated by heavy downpours and flash flooding throughout the area. Seventeen of our Georgia counties are under a state of emergency. Eight individuals have lost their lives and thousands have lost homes, family mementos & family pets.

As classes begin so early, I leave my little nest at 6:15AM every morning. The rising waters behind me had to have been well on the way but since it was dark... I was clueless until I returned home at noon. My first hint that there might be an issue was when I was routed through various parking lots and back on to my road. It was closed due to water being across the road 1/8 mile from my condo. Hummm? As I made my way back on the road I could see that my community was no longer dry!!

So you can get an idea of what I see from my back door... here are some before and after (the flood) photos... Notice the pool is covered with water and the fence that covers the garbage dumpster is now under water. The dumpster is likely in Buckhead somewhere by now, it's gone and no where to be found. Those things are BIG and heavy! Just imagine that floating away!

At it's height the water was about 25 yards from my back door. Just a bit too close for me!! I did do some packing and the kitty's and I were preparing to head to a friends house on higher ground. Fortunately, we were able to stay home and be safe. The water receded and this morning the green space was back. MUCH better than the lake!!

The sun came out this morning, shining and bright! The Lord and the weather certainly work in mysterious ways!

My final exams start tomorrow morning. I am as ready as I can be for the product ID test. My nose is over whelmed with the scent of spices and herbs. The vinegars are still a bit of a challenge but if I don't know it now... I doubt that I will. Bring it on!

We have been blessed today with a dry and sunny day. My how the Lord (and the weather...) work in mysterious ways!

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